
Developing Apps With PHP and Deployments

Unlike any other courses out there, this course includes practices that applies directly to real world applications. It also includes trainign on deploying apps on different type of hosting servers.

Course Duration : 4 Months
Weekend Training Hours - 3 Hrs/Day : Sat-Sun

PHP program includes:
✔️ PHP Basics
✔️ PHP Object Oriented Approach
✔️ Tons of PHP Practices
✔️ Extensive Laravel Framework Training
✔️ Extensive Codeigniter Framework Training
✔️ mySQL
Additional Databases and Common Practices:
✔️ Redis
✔️ OAuth (Login with Facebook, Google, Github and more)
✔️ XML parsing
✔️ AWS, Google Cloud SDK Integrations
✔️ On Page SEO
✔️ Deplotment of Apps on Server



PHP program

PHP Basics

PHP Installtion, Syntax, Variables, Echo/Print, if..else.., Loops, Functions, Arrays, Forms, Advanced, OOP

PHP Object Oriented Approach

Class, Object, Member Variable, Member Function, Inheritance, Converting to a String, Parent Class, Child Class, Polymorphism , Overloading, Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Constructor, Destructor

Tons of PHP Practices

Basic, Array, Foor Loop, Functions, Classes, Regular Expression, Date, String, MAth, JSON, Searching and Sorting Algorithm, PHP Challenges

Extensive Laravel Framework Training

Laravel Installation, Configuration, Architecture Concepts, Routing, Middleware, CSRF Protection, Controllers, Requests, Responses, URL Generation, Session, Error Handling, Logging, Frontend, Security, Broadcasting, Events, Http Clients, Task Scheduling, Database, Eloquent ORM, Testing

Extensive Codeigniter Framework Training

URLs, Controllers, Reserved names, Views, Models, Helpers, Creating Libraries, Creating Drivers, Creating Core System Classes, Creating Ancillary Classes, Hooks - Extending the Framework Core, Auto-loding Resources, Common Function, Compatibility Functions, URI Routing, Error Hendling, Caching, Profiling Your Application, Running via the CLI, Managing your Applications, Handling Multiple Environments, Security, Libraries


Installation, Server, Create Database, Select From, Where, Update, Drop Table, Join

Additional Databases and Common Practices


Pipelining, Redis Pub/Sub, Redis Lua scripting, Debugging Lua scripts, Memory optimization, Expires, Redis as an LRU cache, Client side caching, Mass insertion of data, Partitioning, Distributed locks, Creating secondary indexes with Redis

OAuth (Login with Facebook, Google, Github and more)

OAuth is an open-standard authorization protocol or framework that describes how unrelated servers and services can safely allow authenticated access to their assets without actually sharing the initial, related, single logon credential. In authentication parlance, this is known as secure, third-party, user-agent, delegated authorization.

XML parsing

USing XML Parser we can manipulate and rewrite XML data. There are two type of XML Parser:
Tree Based Parser
Event Based Parser
XML is a tree based Parse. XML is provide us an easy way of getting an element's name, attributes and textual content. SimpleXML takes a fewer lines of code to read text data from an element.

AWS, Google Cloud SDK Integrations

On Page SEO

Deployment of Apps on Server


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